Architecture thesis project render



  • AutoCad
  • Sketchup
  • Lumion
  • Enscape
  • Photoshop
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As a kid that was brought-up within a design oriented household, I truly enjoyed all forms of art and artistry. I loved immersing myself in it, staying hyper-focused on a specific detail, crafting it from a close distance, and then zooming out to observe a full composition as rich as the details themselves. And that young love for art continued over to pursuing my Bachelors in Architecture at NIT, Nagpur.

Being introduced into a new country, culture and friend circle, My entire architectural journey was a rollercoaster ride from learning new things to unlearning older techniques for smarter ones on an everyday basis. The rigorous methods and techniques is what I believe shaped my belief to bring a tissue paper sketch into a full sized 4 story building.

There's very little chance I'll ever love a project more than my final thesis project (viewable in full documentation), A place where I was able to implement everything I had learnt in and of the classroom.

Today being a visual designer, The architectural knowledge during my course greatly influences my design perspective on a micro and macro level. It has forever equipped me with essential skills in project management and a deep understanding of design thinking, crucial for creating impactful, user-centric designs.

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